Saturday, 24 December 2011

A Hanging Poem

I've been out three nights in a row, with not much sleep, so this poem will be nothing special. I'll post a festive themed one tomorrow - Christmas Day tomorrow - wow, doesn't really feel like it. I feel old -.- 

I have a led head 
and wish I was in bed 
all I really want is sleep 
and second to that
brush my teeth 
a cup tea 
perhaps some water 
not to move
and just ride this out.
I feel vaguely sick 
without a doubt 
I don't really want to drink
for some time 
I am the human equivalent
of slime.

But taking this all
in to account 
I probably will 
go out again 
but hopefully
it will be a long time
till it's this bad again. 

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